Thursday, March 25, 2010

Château de Versailles

Although Versailles is not in Paris, it is worth the 45 minute train ride. Versailles is filled with decadence and superfluous decorations. From everything to its floors, walls, and ceilings; Versailles is the epitome of a true chateau. The amount of luxury in the chateau is indescribable one must see it in order to truly capture its beauty. Its golden gate can be seen from miles away. In addition to everything which you are able to see in the chateau, you have not gotten the full experience until you've stepped outside to its “backyard” and strolled around its gardens. The gardens are filled with color, the statues and fountains surrounding the gardens are captivating. Versailles is truly amazing and definitely a must go to when visiting Paris.

Monday, March 22, 2010

French Cusine

Le Relais de l'Entrecôte, is a wonderful little restaurant where vegetarians should not step place in. The women servers are known for dressing like the typical French maid. When you are seated, you are simply asked how you like your steak cooked, so make sure to know how to say well done, medium rare, or rare in French. When your steak is cooked, it is prepared right in front of you, and the restaurant is known for having a delicious sauce poured on your meat. Your steak is also served with fries and as soon as you've finish eating, to your surprise you are given seconds. No matter how full you are, you would be silly not to try their exquisite desserts. One should stop by Le Relais de l'Entrecôte when traveling in Paris.

Les Fetes

Black Calvados

Black Calvados, usually called BC is known for being one of the hottest clubs in Paris. You need to be a somebody or know a somebody to get in; the clubs exclusivity might prohibit you from getting in. This chic sleek club is rather small, and because it is usually packed, you do not have a lot of space to roam around in, even if you are a “V.I.P”. This is definitely a place where you can expect to run into a young hipster rock star and celebrities.

Le Cab

Le Cab is a very modern hip club, which is located near the Louvre. Known for attracting the trendy and beautiful people in Paris, you are guaranteed to have a great time at this club, and possibly run into a prince or some type of celebrity. They are known for having one of the strictest door policies in all of Paris. The main dance floor is pretty crowded, but if you have the Euros to make it into the V.I.P section you are guaranteed to have plenty of space and privacy, giving you the convenience of closing your own curtains to give you the privacy to do whatever you wish.

Le Louvre

The famous museum the Louvre has some of the most prestigious and important works of art in the world, including Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Besides holding amazing works of arts, the Louvre itself has a lot of history behind it. Transforming from a chateau to a museum, the stunning building has years of history and many interesting facts. An interesting fact is its name itself. Although there are some speculations, Louvre comes from the word louverie which means hunting lodge for hunters. In French the word wolf is loup. Wolves wandered Paris’s city streets and it’s been said that many wolves hung around the city walls of Paris, surrounding the Louvre hence it being considered a louverie.

Tallest Building -- Montparnasse

The Tour Montparnasse is the tallest building in all of Paris and France. Its construction was started in 1969 and it was finished in 1972. It defines the skyscrapers in France. It is the ninth tallest building in the European Union. This tour can be spotted from many different parts of the city. In addition to being the tallest skyscraper in all of France, it has one of the best views of Paris. It has 59 floors, three which must be climbed, since the elevator goes up until the 56th floor. The building allows for tourists to climb to the rooftop for less than ten Euros. There is a café in 56th floor where one can chose from various typical French cuisines while being able to see the amazing views of Paris through the large windows around the building.